Five Things I Have In My Medicine Cabinet
1. Dry shampoo (with dyed hair, any girl knows this a must!)
2. Deodorant (sans aluminum of course)
3. Extra razors (dull razors suck- replace often !)
4. Hair perfume (yes, it exists)
5. My contact lens case (I can't stand cluttered counters)
Five Things On My Nightstand At This Moment
1. Books ("Contagion" by Robin Cook and "Zombie Apocalypse" by Stephen Jones)
2. Bobby pins (I always have these wherever I go)
3. PS3 Remote (no other comment :*)
4. My lamp
5. My journal (anyone who knows me knows I have some sort of writing pad with me at all times!)
Five Colors I Love To Paint My Nails
1. Blue
2. Purple
3. Black
4. Pink
5. Glittery
Five Things I Don't Put In The Dryer
1. Sweaters
2. Jeans
3. Dress shirts
4. Fabric sheets
5. Dresses
Five Things I Keep In My Work Desk
1. Paper clips (I use so many!)
2. Binder clips (I mean really, based off of what I just wrote that makes sense right?!)
3. Tape (always seems to come in handy)
4. Highlighters (I love to highlight things as I read)
5. My Owl (it's a flash drive actually)
Five Flowers I Apparently Identified Correctly In A Trivia Game Recently
1. Marigold
2. Rose (duh)
3. Lilac
4. Cattail
5. Chrysanthemum
Five Apps I Have On My Phone Currently
1. Empire Z
2. Pinterest
3. Michael's (this store makes me wish I was good at scrapbooking!)
4. Pics Art
5. 100 Floors
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